Number of items in this category: 105 |
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Vauxhall LSP2GTA
9544 1724 / 0J.AEU1G06
We can reprogram the VIN Number for this radio, allowing it to be used in a different vehicle, but you will need to send the unit to our workshop along with a copy of the registration document for this work to be carried out. Approx turnaround time is 48 hours from receipt to dispatch.
Code Number Recovery: £60.00 (€ 73.05)
See details
Vauxhall LSP2GTA
9453 2020 / 0P.AEUEI01
We can reprogram the VIN Number for this radio, allowing it to be used in a different vehicle, but you will need to send the unit to our workshop along with a copy of the registration document for this work to be carried out. Approx turnaround time is 48 hours from receipt to dispatch.
Code Number Recovery: £60.00 (€ 73.05)
See details
Vauxhall LSP2GTA
4233 8874 / 0J.AEU1G07
We can reprogram the VIN Number for this radio, allowing it to be used in a different vehicle, but you will need to send the unit to our workshop along with a copy of the registration document for this work to be carried out. Approx turnaround time is 48 hours from receipt to dispatch.
Code Number Recovery: £60.00 (€ 73.05)
See details
VW RCD 200 Polo MP3
6Q0 035 152 E / LAC-M6700GV
We can decode and reset this radio, but you will need to send the unit to our workshop for this work to be carried out. Approx turnaround time is 48 hours from receipt to dispatch.
Code Number Recovery: £35.00 (€ 42.61)
See details
VW RCD 200 T5
7H0 035 152 H / LAC-N6710GV
We can decode and reset this radio, but you will need to send the unit to our workshop for this work to be carried out. Approx turnaround time is 48 hours from receipt to dispatch.
Code Number Recovery: £35.00 (€ 42.61)