E-Code - Saab (A)
Please submit your radio details below. Your Code will be forwarded to you by E-Mail once payment and Radio details have been manually verified.
The information we need can be found here:
The Security Code number on these radios are determined via a series of soldered links (or pad code) on the top of the main circuit board. The top cover of the radio needs to be removed to gain access to the circuit board, and you will see from the pictures that there are only a few screws that need to be undone, but before you start to panic, if you have managed to remove the radio from the vehicle, then the hard work has already been done!!
Start by removing the 2 Phillips screws on the top:
Now carefully prise off the bottom cover, taking care not to distort its shape and this will reveal the main circuit board as shown below. For orientation, the fascia should be pointing towards you, and you are now looking to identify a set of eight numbered solder pads as shown on the picture.
The eight pads are made up of an upper and a lower section, and will look roughly like this shown below. Some will have a blob of solder linking the upper and lower pads, and its these blobs and their locations that we need to identify as a pad code.
If you assume an open, unsoldered pad to be a 'Zero 0' and a blob, or soldered pad to be a 'One 1', then with the fascia towards you, and reading the pads from left to right, you will end up with an eight digit pad code made up of 0`s and 1`s. For instance this series of links below would give a pad code
of 10100100
By now you should be able to work out your own eight digit pad code from your own series of links.
If you now enter this information into the box below, and submit it to us with a payment, we can then calculate your security code and E-Mail it back to you.
If your radio is codelocked, or constantly shows a display full of unresponsive numbers when you switch it on, don`t worry, we will also include a solution that should enable you to reset your radio and enter the code.
E-Code Request Form