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DND Services Ltd :: News archive

Ferrari California
7th February 2025

For those of you lucky enough to be driving a Ferrari California, you will be pleased to know that we can now supply the Security codes for the Navigation systems via our fully automated online decoding services.

Full details can be found under the relevant section on our website.  

Phones are Down (AGAIN)
8th January 2025

Although the world tells us that the new VOIP phones are the way forwards, it is with regret that I have to say that our are offline yet again. If you do get through to leave a message, then there is no guarantee that we will get it either. Should you need to contact us, the please use the online contact form a the top of this web page and we will get back to you.

Apart from that, we would like to wish everyone out the a very merry and prosperous 2025  

Merry Christmas
19th December 2024

We would like to wish all of our Customers a Very Merry Christmas and hope that the festive season treats you well.

Our Automated website will remain fully operational throughout the Holiday, but depending on how the Christmas Ale is flowing, you may not get instant replies to emails or phone calls - although we will always try and crack through a few of them if we are sober.

So in the meantime, sit back, raise a glass, have a Cool Yule and we hope that normal service should be resumed when the beer runs out somewhere around the 9th of January(ish)  

Christmas is Coming
10th December 2024

The festive period is nearly here which does mean that we will have some logistical headaches to contend with when it comes to turning Repairs around.

Please Read More . . .

If you are sending us a radio for repair or decoding, then if it arrives here later than Monday the 16th of December, then it is unlikely that we will have enough time to repair and return it until the New Year, (certainly not this side of Christmas) as the Couriers do not collect from us during the festive break.

Our Automated website will remain fully operational throughout, but depending on how the Christmas Ale is flowing, you may not get much in the form of replies to emails or phone calls - although we will always try and crack through a few of them if we are sober.

So in the meantime, sit back, raise a glass and have a Cool Yule. We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope that normal service should be resumed when the beer runs out somewhere around the 9th of January(ish)


Happy 32nd Birthday
28th October 2024

Its a Happy Birthday to us as we celebrate 32 years of Decoding Car Stereos.

Thank You to everyone past and present that has made this possible  

Watches are Back
22nd October 2024

By popular request, in time for Christmas, the watches are back and a selection can be found on our website

We have managed to source a number of timepieces that are of such quality, that we have decided to sell them through our commercial website here. From Kids watches, some stunning looking Analog watches to the ultra desirable Smart watches including NFC and Amoled ones, you will find them for sale here at a fraction of what they are going for in the shops.

Please do not hesitate to ask if you need any more information about any of them  

I Am Back
9th October 2024

A sincere thank you for the kind messages following my recent unplanned Holiday in the Cardiac Ward of Torbay Hospital. Apologies for not answering the phone or emails, but I was a bit pre-occupied.

Please Read:

Thank You for all the well wishes. I am fine and hope to be back up to speed in the near future, but as you will appreciate, there is a bit of a backlog to contend with here and I am working through things as fast as I am allowed.

For those that were alarmingly quick to leave some very.... ahem.... choice.... messages on the answerphone, email and even negative reviews! because I could not instantly answer or deal with your broken radio instead of fighting for my life, then I`m also very sorry too that your radio's may find themselves firmly at the back of the queue here, and one or two of the Keyboard Warriors may just find your radio's being returned unrepaired as that was just uncalled for.

Anyway, Please bear with me, as normality should resume at some point soon.

A HUGE thanks to all the Nursing Staff at Torbay Hospital, and please don't take this personally, but I really hope never to see you again at any point soon. Actually, that's untrue as they were all lovely.  

Advance Notice
9th August 2024

With most of you having had your Holidays, its time for us to take ours, and we shall be shutting the workshop from 24th August until 20th September.

Our Fully Automated Code Service will remain Operational during this time, but technical support queries may be delayed.  

No Queue Jumping
6th June 2024

Sorry, but we don't allow queue jumping for radios that are here despite offering us more money as that is very unfair to others.

Please Read . . .

As one of the largest Decoding Operators left in the UK, you ca imagine how many radios we can receive on a daily basis, and each day we will have numerous phone calls asking the same thing.

90% of our work comes from the Motor Trade and virtually all of those are from Dealers who have sold the cars and left sorting the radio out until the last minute. Please wait your turn

At this time of year, the rest tend to be from the General Public who have not had their radio working for the last three months, but need it urgently because they are going on holiday tomorrow.

We really have heard it all, and whilst we try our best to turn things around quickly here, constantly ringing us up with a sob story just delays things for everyone as we have to stop work to answer the phones. To make it fair to everyone, we operate strictly on a first come first served basis, based around the dates that they were booked in on our website.

So if your radio is urgently needed, please don't leave it until the last minute.  

Codes in French
3rd June 2024

We have been made aware of a strange anomaly of Codes being delivered in French, but it is not actually our fault

Please Read . . .

We operate numerous Radio Code websites around the World, and if you have ever tried to Google anything, you will know that different results can appear on the search pages, and this is where the confusion is coming from.

One of our French sites is doing rather well at the moment, and whilst we do have language packs for you to select when you get there if French is not your language, we have noticed that many of you using Chrome as a browser are having this website auto translated for you, which whilst a good thing for you when filling out the form does mean that because our webserver has not been told this, it may default to emailing you a few lines of text in French afterwards.  

NI & the Windsor Framework
8th February 2024

With regret, we are still unable to ship anything to Northern Ireland at this time due to the excessive paperwork required.

Please read this:

Whilst the Media will tell us that there are now Green Lanes for shipping radios back to our Northern Ireland friends as part of the New Windsor Framework, what they fail to mention is that we still have to fill out a whole host of bureaucratic paperwork including supplementary declarations etc. Its still in excess of 100 pages of documentation to fill out which sadly is not economically viable for us to do.

I`m really sorry NI, we really want to trade with you again, but simply cannot do it with this level of paperwork still being required.  

Happy New Year
5th January 2024

We would like to wish all of our customers both old and new a very happy and prosperous New Year.

Did you know that we currently have Decode solutions to over 8024 models of stereo shown on our website, and we add to this every day.

If you have a model of radio that is not yet shown, then we would love to hear from you.  

Busy Busy Busy
17th July 2023

We are very busy here at the moment, and we are aware that the new VOIP phone systems being imposed are causing a few problems for those of you trying to get hold of us.

Please read this

Our phones are busy at the best of times, but since the UK moved over to VOIP services, we are more than aware that our phone provider has introduced something that is causing us major problems. If we are currently on the phone and you try and ring us, rather than an engaged tone, you may well hear an answerphone message. Trouble is, we do not always have access to the VOIP messages left for us. This is an ongoing technical issue that our phone provider is struggling to understand due to the Virginmedia Call Centre not being in the UK.

As we are an Online Company now with no physical store, the easiest way to contact us is to use the contact page at the top of this site and send us an email - But do please allow us time to respond though.  

Toyota MR2
14th Apil 2023

Some good news for Classic Toyota MR2 owners - The Fujitsu Ten 1669 radio can now be decoded without even removing it from the car to get the serial numbers.

The Dash of the MKII Toyota MR2 can be a little complex to strip the radio out, and the good news is that we can now use the VIN number of the car to reset the radio code, even if it is not the original radio fitted.

Full details are on our website under Toyota 1669  

Classic Car Season
14th Apil 2023

With spring underway, the Classic Cars are starting to appear, as is the request for some Codes for the older models of Radios out there.

We don't always just concentrate on the newer models of Radio, we also like to keep the old Classics alive too, so if you are after a code number that is not yet shown then let us know and we will write some software for it.

Following a call from a Peugeot Owners Club member restoring a Classic 106, he asked if we had a solution for his old Clarion PU-9318A. Shortly afterwards,we not only presented him with a Code number, but uploaded an online solution via our automated website to assist others out there.  

Northern Ireland
10th March 2023

With regret, we are still unable to ship anything to Northern Ireland at this time due to the excessive paperwork required.

Please read this:

Whilst much has been in the news of late, here at the front line we have still not seen any changes in the sheer volume of bureaucratic paperwork required in order to receive and send repairs to Northern Ireland, and having to currently fill out over 128 pages of forms for duty deferments, commodity codes, supplementary declarations, etc, etc is just not economically viable for us to do when we are only charging minimal amounts for our services.

Hopefully this will be resolved before too long though.  

Watch This Space
2nd February 2023

You may have noticed that a few Watches have started to appear for sale on our site

We have managed to source a number of timepieces that are of such quality, that we have decided to sell them through our commercial website here. From Kids watches, some stunning looking Analog watches to the ultra desirable Smart watches including NFC and Amoled ones, you will find them for sale here at a fraction of what they are going for in the shops.

Please do not hesitate to ask if you need any more information about any of them  

Postal Strikes
12th December 2022

The industrial action at Royal Mail is having some serious implications here and when you add the bad weather we are also now experiencing meaning our couriers are also compromised, we are no longer able to guarantee the return of any radios this side of Christmas.

Apologies for any inconvenience that this may cause

We will be winding down for Xmas on the 19th December and should be back open around the 4th January 2023.

Its possible that emails will still be monitored during this period, but depending on how much alcohol has been consumed, you may just get a garbled and drunken reply.


Happy 30th Birthday
28th October 2022

Its a Happy Birthday to us as we celebrate a major milestone of 30 years of Decoding Car Stereos.

Thank you to all of our customers both past and present that have helped us to achieve this.  

Vauxhall Adam
29th September 2022

For those of you with the 2018 Vauxhall Viva or Adam, then we have some news for you

We now have a decoding solution for the Humax Automotive radios such as the DWGM1004 as fitted to the Vauxhall Viva and Adam.
,br If you send us a clear copy of your registration document when sending the radio over, we can return it back to you with your vehicle identity fully programmed so that it is plug and play.

Full details are on our website  

The Queen
19th September 2022

Everyone at DND Services Ltd shares the sadness and grief of the entire nation on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Royal Family will be in our thoughts over the coming days.

We will be open as normal on the 20th September 2022  

Annual Holiday
22nd August 2022

Please note that our workshop is now closed until the 20th Sept whilst we take a few days off. Radio codes can still be obtained via our fully automated website.

Apologies if this is inconvenient to those starting to return to work, but we need to have a holiday too.

Our phone lines will be on answerphone and there will not be any repairs undertaken during this time. For this sending in parcels, the couriers all know what to do with them, but nothing will be opened or looked at or dispatched, until we have sobered up and decided to come back to work.  

Northern Ireland
9th June 2022

With regret, we are still unable to ship anything to Northern Ireland at this time due to the excessive paperwork required.

Please read this:

Whilst we would dearly love to return to trading with Northern Ireland, since Brexit, the sheer volume of customs and bureaucratic paperwork involved is just not viable for us.

In order to receive a radio for decode and then return it back to Northern Ireland currently involves in excess of 128 pages of form filling for duty deferments, commodity codes, supplementary declarations and a whole heap of stuff that is just unrealistic when you are only charging £30 for a code. It just isn't economically justifiable for us to do.

Please don't shout at us on the phone, telling us that other Companies manage to do it, because I'm sure that they do, and they will probably have a whole team of dedicated people filling out and submitting these forms, whereas we just have a few engineers here sitting at a bench doing repairs.

When we can revert back to free trade within our own Country, then we will be the first with open arms, but until then, please complain to your local MP's in order to sort the borders out properly.  

The War in Ukraine
5th May 2022

Please note that requests for Codes and technical Assistance from Mail.Ru and Yandex e-Mail addresses will not be processed at this time.

Whilst the War is raging in Ukraine, like many other Companies, we have taken the decision to suspend any technical assistance or the supply of Radio Codes to anything with a Mail.Ru or Yandex e-mail address.

We are aware that there are many other Countries that use Yandex for their Mails, but as this is a Russian based system, we cannot be seen to be supporting the platform for the forseeable future.  

New Models
25th March 2022

Did you know that we add new models to our Decode Database every day?

We make sure to add new Makes and Models of Radio to our Decode lists every day, so if you have a new radio that is not yet on our list, then get in touch with us as we can probably find a solution for you. As soon as we can write and verify new procedures for decoding a radio, it gets added to our lists.

But its not just the new radios we decode, as we always try to find quicker and easier solutions to some of the older Classic radios too in order to get an online code via our automated servers.  

Customer Vehicles
21st January 2022

Please note that we are unable to assist with removal or refitting of your radio

Over the last 2 years of the Pandemic, like many businesses that remained operational we have had to streamline our services and adapt in order to survive. One of the things we were forced to stop was working inside customer vehicles, and that included everything from full installations to basic radio removal and refitting. Doing so has enabled us to focus more on what we have always done best, and that is our workshop based Radio Repairs and Decodes.

We have closed our vehicle workshop permanently and now continue to concentrate on bench repairs via our mail order services. This does mean that we no longer have any facilities to remove radios from customer vehicles that turn up, and we are no longer tracing or diagnosing any faults within a car if presented.

Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause, but we have now got used to a far more efficient way of working.  

Sention Sorted
26th November 2021

We have just added the Renault Sention CD players to our automated Code Service.

Often found the the Renault Clio, Kangoo and Sprinter, the Renault Sention NLP Place and Gate systems can now be decoded via our fully automated auto radio code recovery site.  

Alfa Giulietta
11th November 2021

Online Code solutions can now be found the the Alfa Romeo 940 VP2 Continental units.

If you have an Alfa Romeo Gilietta of 2015 ~ 2016 vintage, then changes are that is may have a Continental Fiat 940 VP2 EE DAB PD touch screen fitted. If you need a code number then we can now assist you via our fully automated instant radio code retrieval service.  

GM Zafira
21st October 2021

For those of you with a GM Chevrolet Zafira, we are now able to decode the DF942 via our automated website,

More GM models to follow shortly, but if you have one that is not yet listed, please contact us.  

Fiat VP2
12th October 2021

We have just added more versions of the Fiat 250 VP2 to our Instant Code Services. If you have a model that is not shown, then please get in contact with us.

Most of the Fiat 250 VP2 range can be decoded by our online services, and whilst our database is growing, there are still a few elusive models out there that we have not seen as yet. So if you have one that is not yet shown, then please get in touch with us and we will see what we can do to assist you.  

Classic Volvo
6th October 2021

For the Classic Car Volvo enthusiasts out there, the Alpine CR-901 can now be decoded via our online services.

You will need a minor amount of dis-assembly to do this, and we have included full instructions on our website how to go about this. A bit fiddly, but certainly cheaper and easier than sending it in to us.  

International Shipping
23rd September 2021

For our International Friends out there, including Europe and Northern Ireland, I`m afraid that we are still no further forward in resolving this.

Please read this message from our M.D.

As from January 1st 2021, shipping Radio's around the World became a lot more complicated. It is no longer possible to simply send us a repair from outside of the UK without a mountain of paperwork, and if any of the Customs Declarations are filled out incorrectly, then it means that any Radio entering the UK mainland may mistakenly be subjected to Import Duty and VAT. There are some major steps and hurdles that we are trying to follow in order to register to prevent this from happening, but the costs involved of having to complete in excess of 64+ pages of declarations to return any International repairs are just not viable at this particular moment in time.

It is therefore with deep regret that we are still suspending all International Shipping, including Mainland Europe for the forseeable future. Sadly, this now also includes our close friends in Northern Ireland as the trade barriers and registration forms are now just cost prohibitive for returning any Radio's back to you.

Our fully Automated services will remain operational to the World, but our in house repair services are now strictly UK only. I hope that we will re-evaluate this one day, but it is unlikely to be any time soon.  

Taking a Break
24th August 2021

Please note that our workshop is now closed until the 6th Sept whilst we take a few days off. Radio codes can still be obtained via our fully automated website.

Apologies if this is inconvenient to those starting to return to work, but this is actually our first break since lockdown started as we have been working throughout, so we have decided to take a few days off and have a mini staycation here in Torbay.

Our phone lines will be on answerphone and there will not be any repairs undertaken during this time. For this sending in parcels, the couriers all know what to do with them, but nothing will be opened or looked at or dispatched, until we have sobered up and decided to come back to work.  

Fiat Motohomes
10th August 2021

For our International friends driving Motohomes based on the Fiat Ducatto 290 chassis, we now have an online code solution for the Daiichi D716AF Media unit.

At the moment, we have only listed the FGA PN 00521516350 variant, but if you have a similar one requiring a code, please get in touch with us.  

Ping Ping
23rd July 2021

Some of our Couriers have been pinged, and it is causing some delays, but only by a day or two.

As with the entire country at the moment it would seem, our delivery drivers are also being pinged and isolating as a result. It does mean that there may be some unexpected delays in logistics, but only by a day or two it would seem whilst other measures are put in place.

We are still at full capacity down here, so anything that arrives can be dealt with swiftly as always.  

Opels and Renaults
21st July 2021

If you own a 2016 Opel Vivaro, then you may be surprised to find that the radio is actually badged as a Renault. Not a problem for us, we can still decode them

If you have a radio that is not yet shown on our website, then please et in touch with us as we still may be able to assist.

We were recently contacted by one of our friends in Greece about a radio that was not shown on our website, and within a couple of hours, we had written some new software allowing an online solution for him to obtain his code number.  

Leave a Message
20th July 2021

You would be amazed how many say they have tried to contact us by phone, but never leave a message? Its very simple, if you do not leave us a message, then we do not know that you have tried to get in touch !

If we are busy here, then the phone is usually the last to be answered, but if you leave us a message, then we will get back to you. Please speak slowly when you leave your phone number though as many of you seem to be speaking so fast that's its often difficult to comprehend the message and contact phone number that has been left.  

Please be Patient
7th June 2021

With people now returning to work, the demand for our Code services means that we are experiencing a bit of a backlog with regards to turnaround times.

Whilst we have continually worked throughout the Pandemic ourselves, we are now getting a bit overwhelmed with the phone calls that we are receiving on a daily basis from those of you returning to work, asking how fast we can turn stuff around, because its "Urgent".

So whether you are a Motor Trader that has just sold a car before prepping it carefully, or Joe Public that has had a codelocked radio for the last six months and you are going on holiday tomorrow, our answer to all of you is the same as it has always been.

We are working through radios as fast as we can on a strict first come - first served basis and there is no queue jumping by anybody, no matter how important you think you are.

Please be Patient.  

Customer Vehicles
9th April 2021

Please note that we are no longer working on Customer Vehicles

Over the last 12 months of the Pandemic, like many businesses that remained operational we have had to streamline our services and adapt in order to survive. One of the things we were forced to stop was working on customer vehicles, and that included everything from full installations to basic radio removal and refitting. Doing so has enabled us to focus more on what we always did best, and that is our workshop based Radio Repairs and Decodes.

We have therefore decided to close our vehicle workshop permanently and continue to concentrate on bench repairs from now on via our mail order services. This does mean that we will no longer have any facilities to remove radios from customer vehicles that turn up as part of the service, and nor will we be tracing and diagnosing any faults within a car if presented.

Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause, but we have now got used to a new way of working.  

GM Corsa
23rd March 2021

For our Brazillian friends, we are now adding some Code solutions for you too.

We can now decode the Delphi Famar CDP 2700 as fitted to the GM Chevrolet Corsa via our fully automated website.  

Alfa Romeo Giulietta
12th March 2021

We now have an online Code solution for the Alfa Uconnect VP4

If you have an Alfa Romeo Gilietta of 2015 ~ 2016 vintage, then changes are that is has a Harman VP4 Uconnect 6.5 RA3 touch screen fitted. If you need a code number then we can now assist you via our fully automated instant radio code retrieval service.  

Jeep Renegade
3rd March 2021

If you have had a flat battery on your 2016 Jeep Renegade, then we can help you

If you have a Jeep Renegade of 2016 ~ 2017 vintage, then changes are that is has a Harman VP4 touch screen fitted. If you need a code number then we can now assist you via our fully automated instant radio code retrieval service.  

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7th February 2025
Ferrari California

For those of you lucky enough to be driving a Ferrari California, you will be pleased to know that we can now supply the Security codes for the Navigation systems via our fully automated online decoding services.


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