This Ford Escort 16v is powered by a Kenwood Head unit and a Lanzar Vibe 800W 4 channel amp.
Dave wanted the installation to be sunk into the boot as much as possible and to leave as much height in the boot as we could. As the spare wheel well was not in use, it was decided to utilize the compartment for the Bass enclosure.
Spare Wheel Well
We fabricated an airtight box to fit inside the spare wheel well from M.D.F. The box on the far left will house a secondary battery and split charge relay, and the amp and CD Changer will be recessed into the panel. Here we can see the box being bonded to the false floor.
Flat Sub Box !
Most people would need a bigger hammer to get a box as flat as this! Infinity Perfect Ten`s were chosen for this project, because of their incredible performance in small enclosures.
The cut out for the amplifier can clearly be seen, as can the main power feed for the battery.
Bass and a Boot!
Here we can see the rest of the components.
The Lanzar amp, Kenwood CD Autochanger, and the obligatory Delco Freedom Battery.
Front End
Front Staging and imaging is courtesy of a set of Focal Mids and Tweeters that have been crafted into the kickwells.
Care must be taken on kickwell builds to ensure that the pedals do not foul the speakers, and jam.
Dave T.
There is a lot of Bass coming from my boot,
So I must have a big Bass Box somewhere.
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